If your once beautiful shower is looking less than beautiful, call the professionals at Tahoe Tile and Stone Care.
We all get the same thing in the corner of the shower, discolored grout or caulking. If you have caulking, we can pull the old caulking out and replace it with new caulking. If you have grout, James has perfected our method for cleaning the grout lines to get them looking like new again.
Other places you'll find caulking are around your tub, around your sink, and your kitchen counter. We can replace the caulking wherever you have it.
Don't spend hours scrubbing your shower and getting nowhere. Call Tahoe Tile and Stone Care and see difference, we promise you'll be glad you did!
Call or text 775-741-0948
Email tahoetileandstonecare@gmail.com
See more photos of our work by visiting our website www.tahoetileandstonecarereno.com
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